Alongside our arable land, over a quarter of the Estate's area is dedicated to improving the landscape and natural habitats. This commitment expands to include extensively managed permanent grassland covering more than 40% (over 1,000 acres).
Through our higher-tier Countryside Stewardship Agreements, we are dedicated to preserving important habitats across the estate. We are focused on encouraging species regeneration, diversity and abundance by improving the estate's habitats, hedgerows, woodland, rivers, and arable land. This will benefit priority species like Water Vole, Grey Partridge, Corn Bunting, Lapwing, and various arable plants. Our findings and knowledge will be shared with our farmers in the UK.
More widely the John Lewis Partnership is committed to protecting and enhancing biodiversity and to reversing existing negative effects. You can find more details on these commitments and more in the John Lewis Partnerships’ ‘Our Plan for Nature’.

To determine the impact of our land management practices, we will concentrate on three key concept areas referred to as the ‘Big Three.’
- Providing safe breeding grounds, shelters, and hibernation areas for all wildlife.
- Ensuring summer food sources, such as pollen, nectar and insect-rich foraging habitats for birds and their offspring.
- Creating winter foraging opportunities and habitats for overwintering.
In order to assess the impact of our regenerative land management methods on our 'Big Three', we are implementing a species monitoring initiative to monitor biodiversity trends on the estate.
Our own Biodiversity Officer is spearheading efforts to enhance biodiversity on the estate. They will collaborate with experts from various organisations and seek volunteers to join in the initiative.
We are proud to be working with the following organisations in order to do this:
The John Spedan Lewis Trust for the Advancement of Natural Sciences, a charity that supports research and education in biodiversity
Winchester to River Test Farmer Cluster Group
Organisations and institutes such as; the University of Reading’s Centre of Agri-Environmental Research department, the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Plantlife, the Wessex Rivers Trust and the RSPB to name a few.